He was born sometime before 1782 in Hampshire County, Virginia. This part of Virginia is right on the line the state would split during the Civil War. He died between 1860 and 1870 probably in Iowa. He had two wives. The name of his first wife is not known. They had at least 4 children: Rachel, Nancy, Samuel, and Andrew J. All of these children were born between 1808-1815. Andrew moved his family to Noble Township in Morgan County, Ohio. He served in the War of 1812 - from Aug 1813 to Dec 1813. The family appears on the 1820 and 1830 censuses in Noble Township.
Andrew's first wife died and Andrew married Sarah Keith on 6 Aug 1839 in Morgan County, Ohio. They had 3 known children: Eliza and Jane, both born in Ohio, and Peter Andrew, born in Iowa. About 1845, the family moved to Johnson County, Iowa and later moved to Hardin County. By 1860, Andrew and Sarah were living in Cedar County.
Here are some of the questions I would ask:
- When and where were you born?
- Describe the house you grew up on.
- Why did you move to Ohio? What made you keep wanting to move once you were in Iowa
- What was your first wife's name?
- Did you ever encounter "Indians?" What was the encounter like?
- What exactly are all the relationships between the Wickhams, Keiths, and Ackleys? I know the families intermarried but what kept the families together and do I have all the relationships correct?
- What do you think was the biggest change to the country in your lifetime?
Which ancestor would you invite to dinner? What would you ask?